Monday, 19 March 2012

Examples on strings

void main()
char name[25];
printf("enter ur name");
--Here base add of array is passed to scanf() fx.

Wednesday, 14 March 2012


There is no String data type in C.
Strings in C are simply arrays of characters terminated with ‘\0’ (null character)
NULL terminates a string.
        This null character has ASCII value 0.
Terminating null is important as it’s only way  to tell where string ends.Infact,string not terminated by ‘\0’ is not really a string but merely collection of ch’s.
1 dim array of chracters(special kind of

Monday, 12 March 2012



The non destructive technique is quality control method that does not damage the material or product being tested.
The basic purpose of non destructive testing is to know the quality of material such that it may be considered for a particular job or may be rejected if it is not upto the specifications.
Term ‘Non-destructive testing’ is used in general form as this method uses testing or inspection without changing the structural properties of the material so that it may still be used in future. These have the following

Complete info about x rays

Discovery of X-Rays

Roentgen (1974)

Discovery of X-rays:

Discovery of X-rays:
Discovered  accidentallyby  Wilhem Conard Roentgenin 1895,whilew orking with conduction of cathoderays.
Initially Nature unknown ,nameasX-rays.
FirstNobel  Prize for Physicsin

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